This week's Bible study tip: Stop and think about the big and small picture with each story.
Meaning, don't get so zoned in on each individual story that you neglect to consider how it fits into the bigger story of the whole Bible, but also don't focus so much on how it fits in to that grand arc that you gloss over the precious, individual aspects of each story that makes it unique.
This week's prayer request: A close friend of mine and her mother are dealing with the death of their grandmother/mother. The woman was a believer, so she's in heaven with God right now, and her passing was also an end to great suffering, so the family does have comfort in that. However, this temporary parting is taking its toll on them (especially the friend of mine, who has never had to confront death in someone so close to her before), so please pray that God will help them cope.
What would you like prayer for? Nothing is too big or too small! Please leave it in the comments section below so I and the other readers can lift your requests up to God.
And finally, on the note of both awaiting the glorious end of the larger story and the paradise that awaits us after the transition we call death, I'd like to share the song "Best Is Yet to Come" by
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