Saturday, August 11, 2012

Making the Psalms Work Today

This week's Bible study tip has to do with the Psalms. In my experience, people tend to other love them or not get much out of them at all. If you belong to the latter category, here are a couple of ways to make them more applicable to your own life:
1) Read the Psalms aloud. This will help you to discover the emotion behind the words. Even if you can't relate to the specific circumstances, you will be able to relate to the emotions.
2) Read them from the perspective of spiritual warfare. Most of us don't have enemies trying to kill us, so we can't understand where the Psalmists are coming from. But by thinking of it in terms of spiritual warfare, it becomes very applicable to our lives.

Here's an awesome song I discovered recently: "Beloved" by Tenth Avenue North. Enjoy! :-)

Any prayer requests? What do you like, or struggle with, about the Psalms? Have you encountered any Christians songs lately that you absolutely loved?

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