Friday, February 17, 2012

Mixing It Up and Glorious Day

Bible study tip of the week: vary your study style.  That is, mix it up between verse-by-verse and topical study.
Verse-by-verse is beneficial for hitting on a ton of stuff you wouldn't have thought to do a topical study on and for examining these issues in the context in which they were written; topical is beneficial for fleshing out these topics in far greater depth than you would be able to in a verse-by-verse study.

I don't have any specific prayer requests for this week, so I guess please just pray for my posts to be accurate, thorough, and beneficial to my readers. :-)
Do you need prayer for anything?  Please leave it in the comments section - I would love to pray for you! :-)

Finally, I'd like to share a worship song I've taken a particular liking to lately, "Glorious Day" by Casting Crowns:

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