Friday, February 24, 2012

This week's Bible study tip is:
Supplement your Scripture reading with "Christian Living" books.
These books are set up to bring Scriptural principles that you may not have thought of before to your attention, and to challenge you to apply these to your life in specific ways.
Personally, two authors I definitely reccomend you check out are John Eldredge and A.W. Tozer - both write clearly (not all muddled with theological jargon), have "radical" ideas (stuff that actually strikes you, rather than just run-of-the-mill stuff), and (based on what I've read so far) their teachings are fully in line with Scripture.
Also, I'd recommend asking your pastor or a trusted, mature Christian for other author recommendations (there are a lot of wolves out there who write these books, so you gotta be careful).

For this week's video, I'd like to share another music video: "Where I Belong" by Building 429

Finally, prayer requests.
Mine for the week is: There's a certain doctrinal issue I'm trying to work through right now and figure out what the Biblical truth is.  Please pray that God will lead me to the correct conclusion.
Do you have anything you'd like prayer for?  Please let me know by leaving a comment. :-)


Clare Kolenda said...

Hey Sapphire! I'll be praying for you so that you may know exactly what God wants you to do! :)

My prayer request this week is for my sister, and best friend. She has big job possibility right now, and she's very excited about it. Prayers for her so that she does what God is calling her to do, and that this job works out okay for her would be really appreciated! :)

Sapphire said...

Thanks, Clare - very much appreciated!

And yes, I will definitely be praying for your sister to get this job if it's what God has planned for her, and if not, that He'll put an even better job opening in her path. :-)